Saturday, February 2, 2008

Summary of Woolley

Woolley’s article sums up everything that makes up what the idea of “cyberspace” is. First he goes into the concept of the global village where time and space is not needed to carry information, but rather electricity. He described technology as an extension of the body and the idea of networks, which help carry information from one area to another, as an extension of the nervous system. Networks found there way in projects such as ARPAnet and in NASA. Secondly, Woolley compared a computer virus to AIDS in that it is a code that affects the insides of a computer much like AIDS does to an immune system, and can spread through a global village much like AIDS can between people. Next, stocks via computers proved to be more unpredictable as compared in two different situations in 1987 and 1989 showing that no one person is in control. Finally, he talked about how gold and money can be expressed through electronic symbols and currencies can now float without having to be tangible.

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